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Trauma Triage
Trauma is like an earthquake, shaking the foundation of our being. And as with earthquakes, aftershocks can continue well after the original event. This section deals with managing crisis moments as they come up in our daily lives.
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Link: The Red Heron Trauma Kit
Think of this as an emergency preparedness kit, loaded with resources you can turn to for help in a crisis.
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Identifying Triggers
For all our differences on our individual roads to recovery, we're often reminded of the past by very similar things. This forum is for discussion of things that trigger the trauma response in us. The more we can anticipate, the easier things will be.
152,142 152,875 Hydrology Studio Suite 20...
07-01-2023, 09:35 PM
by filedown001
Managing Trauma Echoes
We've all developed methods for dealing with flashbacks and crisis moments, those aftershocks following our personal earthquakes. This forum is for discussion of what has worked for us, what we've tried and rejected, and helping others find healthy coping techniques.
420 499 How Will You Be Using Dis...
06-27-2023, 11:18 PM
by avikas9318
Recovery Tools
In addition to coping mechanisms we use in the moment, there are activities that have helped us move closer to our recovery. This forum is where we can share the hobbies, interests, and fascinations that have led us further away from the past.
87 175 best machining aluminum
05-22-2023, 11:00 PM
by cncmachining

General Forums
These forums are for posts that don't fit in any of the other, more specific categories.
Forum Threads Posts Last Post
General Discussions
This is the social hub of the Red Heron forums. Anything you want to discuss that doesn't fit elsewhere should go here.
6,725 7,299 Unlu pide
07-01-2023, 12:22 PM
by creeper
New Member Introductions
New to Red Heron? Feel free to tell us a bit about yourself here.
34 42 Patek Philippe 5130J-001 ...
06-13-2023, 12:14 AM
by bestquality
Write for Red Heron
Have an idea for a guest article to be posted on the Red Heron blog? Pitch it here to receive feedback from the Red Heron founders.
190 266 Should you buy flower wal...
06-17-2023, 04:00 AM
by stiffO
Tech Support and Bug Reporting
Have a question about how the forums work? Found something that isn't working as it should? This is the place to ask for help.
63 64 Koop Malmbergs Led Inbouw...
06-09-2023, 03:46 AM
by ledverlichting

Education Discussions
Learning is a large part of trauma recovery - learning how to view the world in a new light, discovering new ways of relating to ourselves, and educating ourselves about our ongoing conditions.
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Red Heron Program Discussion
This is the forum for general questions and discussion about the Red Heron approach to trauma recovery.
1 2 I Skip Aged Soccer Activi...
01-03-2023, 11:20 AM
by rocky_555
Educational Resources
Here we can share articles, websites, and other resources for learning about trauma, mental illness, recovery, and other conditions we might encounter on the road to safety.
24 26 5x5 closure wig
03-21-2023, 08:51 PM
by bestswigs
General Education Discussions
It's not all about trauma. What else are you studying? Art? Philosophy? Languages? Talk here about your academic progress and your fascination with learning new things.
7 8 About my shop!
06-27-2023, 03:59 AM
by evawillsonn

Recovery Discussions
Several experiences are unique to the trauma recovery process. Talk about them here.
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Trust Issues
Trust is a difficult thing for many people, even more so for survivors of traumatic experiences. Reach out here to talk about issues surrounding trust.
1 1 Self trust...
10-07-2018, 05:26 AM
by Ellie_diva
Abandonment Issues
Permanency is a strange concept for many survivors of trauma. Here is the place to talk about issues you may have in this area.
3 3 Disneyplus.com/begin | Fu...
01-16-2023, 04:32 AM
by kiara98184
New Feelings
As we begin to understand safety, a host of new feelings can and will arise for us. This is the forum to ask for help understanding those new emotions.
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Managing Emotions
Are you struggling with overwhelming feelings? Post in one of these forums for suggestions on weathering the storm.
Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Anger and Fear
Post here for help dealing with excessive or uncontrollable anger or fear.
1 3 Develop your own crypto t...
05-24-2023, 01:34 PM
by Dram Dizileri
Depression and Sadness
Post here for help getting through periods of depression and deep sadness.
1 1 Is Microsoft 365 free?
05-11-2022, 11:34 PM
by enmicro3650
Guilt and Shame
Post here if you're struggling with feelings of guilt or shame.
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Inadequacy and "Never Good Enough"
These feelings are commonly conditioned into survivors from the moment the trauma starts. This forum is here for discussion of dealing with and overcoming them.
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Other Emotions
Challenged by another emotion? Post here for help.
1 1 Geelong Financial Advisor...
12-21-2022, 10:37 PM
by Geelong Wealth Advisor

Diagnosis Discussions
Use these forums to discuss issues specific to diagnoses you have been given. Please note that forum members cannot give you a diagnosis, and you should not self-diagnose.
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This forum is for discussion of anxiety and related disorders.
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Bipolar Disorder
This forum is for discussion of bipolar disorder.
4 4 Is it possible to downloa...
06-08-2023, 02:03 AM
by shmayraels
Borderline Personality Disorder
This forum is for discussion of borderline personality disorder.
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This forum is for discussion of clinical depression and related disorders.
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Dissociative Identity Disorder
This forum is for discussion of dissociative identity disorder.
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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
This forum is for discussion of obsessive-compulsive disorder and related diagnoses.
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Psychosis-Related Diagnoses
This forum is the place to discuss diagnoses such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, or any others that present with psychosis as a prevailing symptom.
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This forum is for discussion of post-traumatic stress disorder, complex post-traumatic stress disorder, and related symptoms.
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Substance Abuse
This forum is for discussion of substance abuse and related issues.
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Other Diagnoses
Have a specific concern about a diagnosis not listed above? Discuss it here.
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Trauma Discussions
We're all at a different place on the road to recovering from trauma. If you're in a place where speaking about your trauma in detail will be helpful, these are the forums for you. Remember, however, that we are here to architect the future, not to be trapped by the past. Don't let speaking of the past ruin the future you're building.

Trigger warning: Members are encouraged to be frank about their past trauma in these forums. You are advised to avoid these forums if reading about such things will have a negative impact on your own recovery.
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Emotional Abuse
This forum is for discussion of past emotional abuse.
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Neglect and Abandonment
Neglect can be just as traumatic as harm inflicted directly. This is the forum to discuss details of past neglect.
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Physical Abuse
This is the forum to discuss past physical abuse.
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Sexual Abuse
This forum is for discussion of child sexual abuse.
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Sexual Assault
This forum is for discussion of past sexual assault.
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Other Traumatic Incidents
We as humans can be traumatized by so many things. If the event you're recovering from isn't covered elsewhere in this category, please post here to discuss it.
4 13 5 reasons that compel stu...
05-22-2023, 11:25 AM
by LoriPorter123

Managing Your Care
Getting effective treatment is one of the biggest barriers to overcoming trauma. In these forums, you can find help with advocating for effective care.
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Obtaining Proper Care
Tips on advocating for the best possible care for yourself can be found here.
2 2 Benefits Of Magento
04-07-2023, 02:21 AM
by aalogics
Medical Care for Trauma Survivors
Medical care can be a minefield for those with trauma in their pasts. Here you can ask for help navigating clinics and hospitals for treatment of physical ailments.
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Advocacy Help
Need help obtaining effective care? Has the system let you down? Post the story here, without sharing confidential details, and others can pitch in to help you get the treatment you need.
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Research Studies
Red Heron is proud to partner with mental health professionals and academics researching new and improved ways to help people recover from trauma. Studies approved by the Red Heron team are posted here so members can choose whether to participate.
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Approved Research Studies
In this forum you will find - and be able to discuss - research studies that have been vetted by the Red Heron team. Your participation in any study is entirely voluntary.
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